Why We Are Set Apart:
The Vision of House 2 House
The vision now, through what Yahuah has placed in us is to disciple servants of the Yahushua into the FatherHood principle of sonship. As in Joel 2:11, we are a people reaching the nations and training disciples into their manifestation of Sonship. Isaiah prophesied saying, “Behold, I and the children whom the Almighty hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Yah of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.” -Isaiah 8:18 –KJV. To be apart of this vision, come, taste and see what Yahuah can do in you!
The reason why we differ from any ministry and discipleship is because we do not conform to what is given to everyone every Sunday or Saturday services. We differ from the normalities of Doctrine and non-hermeneutical scriptures that fit what people only want to hear. We purpose to show our savior from the old and new scriptures in the Torah, Tanach, and Renewed Covenant.
It is our vision & goal to reach all people around the world with the saving message of Yahushua Ha-Mashiach and to provide spiritual teaching and counseling to all those who decide to follow Him, through producing programs focused on a relationship with Yahuah in faith, hope, discipleship, prayer, and victory.
We institutionalize the foundation as to why the lamb was slain before the foundations of the Earth. Not through abstract, but concrete spiritual evidence we impart the name of Yahushua Hamashiach and Yahuah. To Further expand who we are as discipleship Institute of Yahushua HaMashiach, We help esteem to those who need to further expand the sovereignty of YaHuWaH by bringing clarity in the Body of Mashiach by knowing His Name, His Authority, His characteristics, and His Feasts. We are not a people of replacement theology but rather a people who are searching out the truth. Proverbs 25:2
Who we are
Dr. Robert Gonzalez